Thursday, June 14, 2007

Tainan revisited

I went, 2 weeks ago, for Tainan, old capital of Taiwan, for the Annual meeting of Taiwan astronomers. I gave a talk there, here proof, so that you would not think I am only having fun all around the world. I work sometimes, also :-)

Weekend in Tainan was HOT, around 35 cels, and it was not very much appropriate for walking around. But I did some efforts. No temples this time-if you want to se temples, see here in Archive, summer 2005.
This is not a Wild West scene, it is Tainan main station at night. My hotel was nearby.

And here is other side of the square-or, rather, of the circle, as it is round one :-)

View from the hotel room in the morning as usually in Taiwan:

Going to the campus of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) I saw one classical form of fun by Taiwanese. Temperature was around 35 cels.

I must say I prefer old style gates to the new, hi-tech ones:

This was main building of the university, I think


This was obviously Art department, how many of them would know which Muse is this?

Hm. And how many of US would know it? I posted the question so much in WASP style, and now I have to say I am not sure which I go for google search and find it in ...Slovenian :-). Brava :
(Muze) So varuhinje znanosti in umetnosti. Kako si po pomembnosti sledijo in katero umetnost ali znanost varujejo, je razvidno iz preglednice.
Zevs + Mnemozina (they are daughters of these two)
– Kaliopa: epsko pesništvo, filozofija in govorništvo
– Klio: zgodovina
– Polihimnia: svete pesmi
– Evterpa: glasba
– Terpsihora: ples in sveto petje
– Erato: lirsko, zlasti ljubezensko pesništvo
– Melpomena: tragedija
– Talija: komedija in gledališče sploh
– Uranija: zvezdoslovje
So, I think this is Talia, for Comedy and Theater in general, or Euterpe, as I think this was a music school :-)
Anyway, the fact that I could not remember without checking would make dear prof. Ducakijevic sad, and makes loud warning to me to turn my eyes from the stars sometimes to more earthly pleasures ;-)
Old university buildings seem more like dump places, this is for sure most forgotten Physics department I ever saw

But inside is a nice park of the old school pavilion, showing advantages of the old style buildings, without air condition. Are we really so much advanced today? Would it harm to have such pleasant places? Or it is point of larger population today, and it would take too much (expensive) land to build this way? Probably, I am inclined to see it this way. But this gives to such places, as this old building garden, even more value.
Well, this shows building is not so old :-D .

Stairs inside are horrible! I hope they have new dpt. of Physics somewhere in the Campus and this looks as it looks only because it is the old building.

I mean, this is not third-world country, this is the entrance to the Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (!? Chinglish is sometimes unbelievable!) dpt. building.