Friday, September 14, 2007

Visit in the library

Today we (TIARA warriors) performed massive attack to the Humanities Library of TsingHua University. Did I tell you that this University is, oficially, still part of the Beijing university of the same name? Kuomintang, and rather its impersonation in Chiang-Kai Shek, had (failed) idea of "governing" China from Taiwan. Rat thought he can eat the cheese from TV, I would say ;-).

Anyway, campus here was established because of this idea: "After the Republic of China moved to Taiwan in 1949, the University was re-installed in 1956 in Hsinchu." is from the official webpage of TsingHua University . We read further: "When it was reinstalled in Hsinchu, nuclear science and technology were the major accentuation. It soon expanded the programs to include sciences and engineering, and added the life sciences recently. In 1984, the University established the College of Humanities and Social Sciences that made it a delicately balanced institution. ".

So, we went to this delicate balance-Rebecca noted that that College is built on the graveyard terrain, and there are stories of a lady in white gown, eithout feets, walking around and bringing bad luck to the ones who meet her... I like these stories, remind me to some in our catholic popular culture.

Building is Escher-like, as the same architect who did the Physics department,did it. It has its land-mark: chimney, I said "like crematorium", but I learned it represents Dragon (?!). It is visible from the pics of TsingHua campus on the posts here, VERY prominent feature.

Library is well equipped, albeit a bit haphazard. I found 'The Golden Bough' by Frazer, time to read at least parts of it, also some Camus, Bernhardt, Jelinek...

I went, this way, far away from my hometown, Varazdin in Croatia, old library, where I was quite known for bookish attitude some...longer time ago.

It is interesting that no library took place in my everyday as this one in Varazdin. Maybe it is simply the fact that I moved so frequently afterwards? Also, later I was mostly buying the books I wanted to read, it became possible by emergence of Amazon (when I was in Germany). In Poland books were acessible and cheap to buy. When back in Croatia from Germany, I brought and read, all the fat books I did not have time to read before. Now they lay (and weight) on shelves improvised by me in the Kolan house, made from side-parts of old beds.

A bit about food, as usual, recently.
Coconut milk is really good when you drink it directly from the coconut:

Another fruit I present you today is what Buddha has on his head, I do not know the name, quite tasty thing, as well ripe pear, interesting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The fruit 釋迦 is called sweetsop in English. But if you check that word in English-Chinese dictionaries, you will find it's called 番荔枝. 番荔枝 is its scientific name in Chinese. Most Chinese people outside Taiwan still refer to it as 番荔枝. The scientific name for sweetsop in English is (Annona squamosa). Annona is the Genus name, which refers to an island and "squamosa" is the Latin adjective for "squamous". The adjective is from its appearance. Common names for sweetsop include "sugar apple", "custard apple" and "anon."

By the way, there's another fruit that looks very much like the sweetsop. It's called cherimoya (Annona cherimola). The cherimoya is much larger than the sweetsop.

Also there's a cross between the sweetsop and the cherimoya by the name of atemoya which is called 鳳梨釋迦 here in Taiwan.


5:04 PM  

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