Friday, August 17, 2007

Typhoon season

There were 2 "typhoons" last weeks, but they were more Tropical storms than really typhoons. Probably to reach balance, now "Super Typhoon" Sepat is approaching. Winds over 195mph. Sounds interesting.
I made kind of photo journal, so that you could see how it looks from the very beginning. Day was hot, but then late afternoon clouds started to gather behind the mountains:

Picture in the morning was pretty much the same, after windy and stormy night, but without some rainfall.
In Internet (link is )I found following information:

And satellite pic was classical example of typhoon:

With this, it remained for us only to wait...
Mentioned tropical storms were false alerts, and people here, in fact, wait anxiously for such typhoons in summer season to have some day off work oroff school. Pretty much as we in Europe are glad when there is day off because of big snowfall in winter. Today, as in the News was full of Sepat coming tomorrow, people went to buy food etc. RT Mart had a good sell, and other shops also, I am sure!
I came to work morning, and here is my brekfast, unusual one, as usually it would be muesli, but I had enough of it and opted for some cheese, coffee and toast. Just for a glimpse in a life of expat ;-)

I was cleaning my pics files and found this one, which kind a reminded me that I always wanted to be vegetarian, ba, wegan!

After this, some beauty is needed. Photographers continue to use TsingHua campus for a wedding it because of lack of other prominent buildings around or an aura of University is something associated with luck in married life?? I would not go to take my wedding pics even nearby Alcatraz on Bijenicka (Physics dpt. of Univ. of Zagreb). And old building, down in the city, on Marulic Square, also would not be appropriate, as it was Psychiatric hospital before ;-)

For a desert, fruit. One way of eating mango. Mnjammmm! It costs 20NTD=1/2 eur per 600gr. In Japan it is 10 or so times more expensive, in Europe...forget it, you will never get one ripe enough for this!

This is addition, post-typhoon Monday: Sepat (it was named by the fish) passed some 200km south, and except some wind and rain, it did not produce larger effects in Hsinchu. Well...TsingHua campus got a bit of wind, obviously:

(post)typhoon skies:


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