Monday, October 16, 2006

Taiwan full circle part four...Green Island

This comes late, but I had hectic summer-see my mikidhellas blog. But I want to round the circle, so I finish these postings.
The last new part of Taiwan for me was also the sweetest one for a Croatian happy in Taiwan. My first cruise in Pacific! We went to Green island, some 30km offshore Taiwan, one hour drive by a FAST boat. Btw. tourist agency in front of the train station in Taitung was VERY effective: in 5 min (and some phone calls) they found us housing and transport to the ferry harbour (which is NOT nearby) and back, all for moderate price. Really impressive efectiveness of Taiwan people is sometimes astonishing, in Dalmatian coast I would need at least half hour for the same service.
It is volcanic island, what explains the features you will see.

Leaving the 'mainland' of Taiwan.

Dim island far away, bottom of the pic, is our destination. Barely visible, and the sea is...thick!

Swimming: impossible. I do not have to explain, I think. The only place, they said, would be harbour. Thanks, I prefer to stay away.


Green island is advertised as a scuba diving paradise, but I am not a scuba diver... We enjoyed ourselves crossing whole 17.5km of roads on the island by scuter-my personal driver was magnificent on these curves :-).

Streets through the villages were quite good, like this one.

A bit inside the village it was not so good.

Green island was PRISON island in times of KMT reign in Taiwan. Something Like Goli otok in Croatia, or more (in)famous Gulag in SSSR. Here is one of prisons.

But there are nicer views on the island. Taiwan in the background.


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