Sunday, February 25, 2007

Chinese New Year-The Year of the Golden Pig

Every 60 years every sign in chinese Zodiac is "big", this is such year for Pig. And as pig is generally considered to be an lucky sign, this is even more lucky. Chinese are crazy about money-in a bit different way than Westerners. It is really a symbol of success itself. Celebration of the New Year is all week enterprise, with known duties for some of these days. It all is not at all so different from Christian customs for Christmas.

The actual celebration started with visit to hairdreser-something what every Chinese does at the end of the year. Funny custom, hairdresers earn last day of the year-and price is almost doubled.

The last day of the Year of the Dog, we met this one, interesting coincidence:

It was in the house of relatives of our friend, where we observed traditional Taiwanese New Year bai-bai (prey) to the gods of the house.
Here is the altar in one peasant house:

A bit closer:

Every god has its flag:

In the other house the family ancestors are presented near the altar:

Bai-bai IS serious matter for elderly people-younger are rather non-conformist. Parayer is to be repeated until the gods are satisfied. You ask: how do you know? Chinese mind is practical: they throw two wooden pieces on the floor, it is something as two sides of a coin. If they fall different side, means gods said OK. If they both fall side A, means gods are laughing, i.e. do it again. If both side B, means gods are angry, now you really have to take care how do you pray.
In this case some 5 times were needed, and older lady got quite nervous, and was inviting all the family members to gather in pray, as obviously gods were demanding it.

In front of the altar were such delicacies for gods:

This is specifically Chinese art, I believe...

Then they went out in the courtyard to burn some (false) money for souls of the ancestors

I also burnt some, you have to "count" it that the air would come between the leafs of paper, funny feeling

In the eve of the last day of old year, family dinner is to be presented, with some
traditonal dishes. We spent it with friend and her mother and brother. Here is traditional dinner.

This object I like, for cooking vegetables on the table. So Chinese!


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