Friday, May 13, 2005


Raining. For few days. And it is to rain for the next week, by 7-day forecast. When I say "raining" I mean RAINING. This means that every day I am at work with completely wet shoes. Fortunately, it is so warm that it does not bring getting cold or so-even at night temeperatures are above 20 cels.

It is not easy to make a good pic of it-usually I just try not to get too wet :-). Here is one of the small 'streams' at the beginning of my street, after heawy raining.

Usually it is only a small water canal near the freeway, as you can see in this pic taken few days later:

When it is really raining, water comes to the street, and it is about 20 cm of water everywhere.

Water pours to the street from every hole.

Raining or not, street dogs hide inside the buildings for night. Here are the dogs from NTHU Campus, sleeping in the entrance of the Library building (where my institute is located).

Nobody expells them. I am interested if they finish as a food some day. In a book 'Culture shock!' about Taiwan I found about dogs: "to sell dogs for food is prohibited. But then, pets still disappear ...". Hm. (mysle ze to bylby dwobritwannik, a?)


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