Joined the bloggers
Well, here I am, as I understand, blogging is part of the cyberlife today, so as I am quite cyber-Miki last times, why not?
Some could say it's graphomania-I'll try to make it ALAP like that. I do not find sending list-emails to my friends a good idea, and then all the time I find I forgot to send to somebody IMPORTANT a last update. This is one possibility to escape it. Maybe. But let's give it a chance :-).
For the beginning, some pics: here is my working place
Sure, here is me in the mirror (CP symmetry not conserved :-) )
One 'capture' from Hsinchu street (GuangFu Rd.) just in front of the NTHU:
And in the Campus of NTHU hidden are such 'flowers', sure, this is Physics buliding! I would nickname it Gotham Hall, it seems Escher's spirit was around, ech?
Some could say it's graphomania-I'll try to make it ALAP like that. I do not find sending list-emails to my friends a good idea, and then all the time I find I forgot to send to somebody IMPORTANT a last update. This is one possibility to escape it. Maybe. But let's give it a chance :-).
For the beginning, some pics: here is my working place
And here is my vehicle here at the Tropic of Cancer:
Sure, here is me in the mirror (CP symmetry not conserved :-) )
One 'capture' from Hsinchu street (GuangFu Rd.) just in front of the NTHU:
And in the Campus of NTHU hidden are such 'flowers', sure, this is Physics buliding! I would nickname it Gotham Hall, it seems Escher's spirit was around, ech?
no coz, moj drogi, to sie u mnie strasznie dlugo sciaga, ja prosze bezposrednie i zaadresowane przesylki, a nie jakis ekschibicjonizm.A.
bacila sam pogled i na ovo tu, makar ja se ne bunim kad mi punis mail sa slikicama.
mama se razveselila kad je sve vidla, nju ti jos odusevljava ova 'visoka tehnologija'...
Mario isprobava Skype s jenim frendom, nekaj ga zeza, otisel je sad po druge slusalice + mic
ciao i pusa, Maja
rzeczywiscie dziwnie jakos i troche ekshibicjonistycznie.
Ale ze sciaganiem nie mam klopotow, moze moj pracowy komputer albo lacze sa lepsze.
Jednak czekam na bezposrednia od czasu do czasu. Z konfucjanskimi pozdrowieniami. MT
Hi, Miki.
How are you going today ?
I'm enjoying watching your blog.
After a bit working in the office in the morning, I'm going to go to Tokyo with my boss......
No dobrze, Miki, a gdzie ten blog? Na razie pare zdjatek widze, to tak ma byc, czy moze moja przegladarka nawala?
sta je ovo,sve bi bezposrednie.i frizuru novu imas.pocesljali li te ti kinezi.sad bi te nazvo ali ne znam spavas li jebiga
czesc miki:)
bardzi to fajne jest; choc dla mnie troche dziwne - nigdy z blogu nie korzystalam. chetnie bede ogladac twoje zdjecia i komentarze, ale o prywatnych rzeczach bede pisac na forum 2 osobowym, czyli ty i ja:)
caluje moj drogi***
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